Friday, February 22, 2013

Bully Proof Seminar

Event Details:

Our Great Event Titled "Bully Proof Your Child" will be held at the school on 03/16/2016 at 11:00am.

The address to our school is 260 W. Dominick St. Rome NY 13440

You are welcome to bring a friend and wear something comfortable. We will be covering how to deal with bullies and the best way to protect yourself if a bully confronts you. This seminar will be jam packed with great info, fun and games. A child is bullied every 7 minutes please join us for the day and build your child's confidence.
To register for our event  visit our website: or call Nicole for more info 315-339-3928

Please visit our website school website @

Helping Others

Side Kicks Family Karate
"Your Family's Personal Life Skills Center"

Do you go the extra mile for others?

Compassion means caring about the needs of others. Just feeling sorry for someone else is only part of compassion. Having compassion means that you are also willing to help others by taking action. True Martial Artists are compassionate and will put others’ needs before their own interests.
Are you a compassionate person?

Let’s review the following questions to find out if you are:

1. Do you donate your money when others need it?
2. Do you donate your time when others need it?
3. Do you talk to others when they are lonely?
4. Do you stand up for others who cannot stand up for themselves?
5. Do you give up your chair to someone standing when there are none left?
6. Do you put others’ feelings before your own?
7. Do you let others go before you when waiting in line?
8. Do you go the extra mile for others even when you are not expected to?
9. Would you save someone if he or she was in danger?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you are a compassionate person. Compassionate
people go the extra mile even when not expected to do so. People who
show generosity through kind gestures when no one is looking are extremely compassionate.
The best part about being a compassionate person is the feeling that one
experiences as a result of the unselfish actions.

There are many ways that you can be compassionate that are fun. You can bake
cookies for a sick friend. You can draw a picture for an elderly person to brighten his
or her day. Another fun way to show compassion is to invite a new person at your
school or work to your home for a social gathering. There are endless possibilities of
ways to show compassion.

Keep in mind you do not need to have a lot of money or to donate a lot of time in
order to show your compassion. Simply sharing a smile with someone else and avoiding
negative conversations about others when they are not around are ways to show
that you care about others’ feelings. If you want others to have compassion towards
you, the best place to start is by showing compassion for others. If everyone would
show more compassion each day then this world would be an even better place in
which to live.

If you would like more info on this topic or to find out how you can build your child's confidence feel free to contact us @
Side Kicks Family Karate,
Sensei Brian Seetge

Healthy Self-Defense

Side Kicks Family Karate
"Your Family's Personal Life Skills Center"

An important way of showing self-respect is by taking care of your health.

When People hear the word self-defense then generally thing of protecting themselves from a attacker. That is not always the case. their are many ways to defend your self. This means caring for your body and your mind. Having a healthy body helps you have a healthy mind, and vice-versa.

Caring for your body can include exercising, eating nutritious foods, and avoiding activities that are
known to be unhealthy. Our Health-Kick articles are a great source of important health and fitness related
information. A healthy person will exercise at least three times per week for 45 minutes each
time. Martial Arts is a great way to fill these time slots. Another habit of healthy people is the consumption
of both fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. This combination of foods increases energy
while decreasing the chance of illness. Taking good care of your body also increases your mind
power, which is another key element of personal health.

Education is to your brain what physical exercise is to your body...

You can take care of your mind by “exercising” it with good inputs and challenging mental activities.
For example, you can benefit from reading materials that are educational and positive. Other healthy
activities for the mind include sports, such as the Martial Arts, that challenge the brain and increase
one’s positive self-image. People who focus on maintaining a healthy mind and a healthy body tend to
be happier and live much longer than those who do not.

Think of some personal examples of things you do that are good for your health.
Below are just a few guidelines of how you can care for your mind and body:

● Eat healthfully. Avoid eating fast food on a regular basis and put a limit on sugars and
sweet snacks.

● Get active. The more active you are, the better your body will function. Activities such as the
Martial Arts, jogging, and swimming are just a few ways that you can keep your body active.

● Give your brain attention. Simple reading will occupy your mind’s time and limit opportunities for
your mind to wander into negative and stressful thinking.

● Build a thirst for knowledge. Education is to your brain what physical exercise is to your body.
The more you seek out opportunities to learn, the better your mind will function.

● Get a good night’s sleep every night. Sleep helps your mind and body re-energize for the next day.
If your mind and body do not get enough rest, then neither will function well the next day.

Remember, your mind and body need tender loving care to stay in top condition. Unless you give both
enough care and attention, you will limit your potential and quality of life. The benefits to taking care
of your health are well worth the time and effort.

If you would like more info on this topic or to find out how you can build your child's confidence feel free to contact us @
Side Kicks Family Karate,
Sensei Brian Seetge

All About Promise Keeping

Side Kicks Family Karate
"Your Family's Personal Life Skills Center"

Promise keeping means making worthwhile promises that you are able to keep, and then actually
following through on those promises.

We frequently find ourselves making promises, but for various reasons we cannot or do not keep those
promises. To be a great person you must fully understand the importance of promise keeping and must
realize those situations where making a promise is appropriate.
There are many types of promises that people make on a daily basis. We make silly promises, bad promises,
good promises, and promises about situations that are beyond our control. If we understand the differences
among the above types of promises, then we can improve our ability to keep promises.
Telling someone that you will give him or her $1,000,000 for something when you really do not have that
much money to give is an example of a silly promise. Bad promises include such things as making a promise
to lie for a friend to keep him or her out of trouble, or helping someone cheat on a test. Good promises
are those that you can follow-through on and that have an honorable or worthwhile objective, such as completing
your chores when asked or paying back someone from whom you borrowed money. Promises about
things that are beyond your control include such things as promising someone that it will not rain next
week, or that you will catch a home run ball for them. As you can see, we have all made promises that
were good, silly, beyond our control, and sometimes bad.
It is important to practice promise keeping with common sense. You may find yourself making
promises that you know are silly, bad, or beyond your control but you make them anyway. If you pay attention
to the different types of promises that you make and reduce the number of silly, bad, and beyond your
control promises until you have totally eliminated these types, then you will begin to master the act of good
promise keeping.
The first step to good promise keeping is to have the desire to follow through on every single promise that
you make. This is not always an easy goal to achieve right away. To get started, make a list of all of the
good promises that you have made recently, but haven’t kept. Then, try to follow through on those promises.
From there, begin to make only good promises, and make sure you follow through on them. Before you
know it, you’ll become a master at promise keeping and you’ll notice that your friends and family have
greater respect for you and your actions.

 If you would like more info on this topic or to find out how you can build your child's confidence feel free to contact us @
Side Kicks Family Karate,
Sensei Brian Seetge

The power of Self-Discipline

Side Kicks Family Karate
"Your Family's Personal Life Skills Center"

When self-discipline is strong, you maximize your possibilities!

Self-discipline means that you have the internal strength to control your feelings, behavior, and impulses. People with self-discipline constantly remind themselves to think positively and to control all actions while avoiding negativity.
By practicing self-discipline you can achieve long-term goals without being distracted by what could go wrong in the process. Self-discipline also means that you are dependable. People can count on those who have self-discipline
because they have the power to keep their promises and the power to do what is right. These characteristics are essential in the Martial Arts and are key habits that true Black Belts practice
all of the time.

Here are some basic tips to help you build self-discipline:

When something gets tough, don’t let negativity slow you down. Focus on accomplishing your goals and overcoming your obstacles.

People with self-discipline understand that being late is a bad habit that shows disrespect to all who are affected by your tardiness.

By keeping your promises and following through on your commitments you begin to earn the trust of others.

Honesty is always the best policy despite the fact that you may get in trouble. If you are not honest, the repercussions down the road will often be more damaging than if you had been honest in the first place.

to accomplish.  People with self-discipline always strive to achieve new levels of accomplishments. This means more success and a brighter future. Self-discipline is essentially the heartbeat of your lifestyle. Without it being strong, you limit what you can do in life. With your regular heartbeat, if your heart is strong, then you have the stamina to accomplish much throughout the day. The same for self-discipline: only when it is strong do you maximize your possibilities. You can also look at how self-discipline plays a key role in the Martial Arts. It takes a lot of self-discipline to arrive at class on time, persevere through physical challenges, and overcome roadblocks, such as learning a new forms or sparring for the very first time. If you have self-discipline in the Martial Arts then you can make it to black
belt and beyond!

If you would like more info on this topic or to find out how you can build your child's confidence feel free to contact us @
Side Kicks Family Karate,
Sensei Brian Seetge